Big Dog Production Co., Ltd. is a registered and full-service Thai coordination company.
We specialize in providing for all of the needs of foreign producers.

One phone call to Big Dog connects you to the best resources available in Thailand.
We take care of everything, including, budgeting, locations, permits, visas, equipment,
talent and extras, production and technical crew, lodging, transportation, accounting
and taxes, shipping, security, and post-production. Big Dog has excellent relations with
government agencies, police and the military. This allows us to get you what you
need when you need it.

We have coordinated every kind of project from one-hundred-and-fifty-million dollar
Hollywood feature films to modest documentaries.Big Dog assures a worry free
producers, directors and artists to focus their energies on creativity.

Message from Veerapol Atibaed (Billy V)
Welcome to Big Dog website and also the beginning of exciting adventures of film making in Thailand.

The Thai Film Board requires that any film production from abroad wishing to film in the Kingdom of Thailand must hire a local Thai coordinating company. We are proud to be at the top of the list that Thai Film Board trust and believe in our successful production services

In order to make any kind of film production in Thailand the foreign productions company must go through many government requirements and also many production needs in Thailand, Big Dog Production is there to guild you and walk you trough all the obstacles. Our policy is to make our clients fell comfortable and so happy to be filming in Thailand and leave Thailand with a smile and good memory

So please give us a call or sent us an e-mail if you have potential TVC or Film project coming this way.................We will be waiting for you!

Full Services Support

  Government requirements:
  Script and / or storyboard approval with the Thai Film Board
  All necessary Permits and Permission forms
  Script translation into Thai
  Any additional government liaison needs including tax clearance
  Customs clearance at all phases of filming
  Coordination with police, fire or other emergency services
  Equipment and crew:
Professional and experienced Thai Crew available for every Department
Lighting, Grip, Camera, Sound and SFX equipments
Complete Asian talent and casting service
Extras casting and coordination with casting agencies
  Prep Work and production logistics:
  Coordination of all transportation needs
  Experienced location scouting
  Coordination with suppliers and freelance crew
  Accommodation arrangements
  Full catering and craft service